Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My love or my friend???

the day just like as usualyou comeyou goi comei go
but, something happens in my heartwhen i look at youi know i have my heart to youbut my friend also love youwhat should ido?what should i do?
God, is this your way for me?I Love himi love himbot my friend does tooGod…is he for meor for her?
Is that wrong if i miss himbut he never miss meis that wrong if i love him?but he… never care to meis he love me?but i think he love my friend
at the firsti wanna fight to my selfthat i never love himi wll never miss him
and then, i feel nothing
i know, i lie to myself
God.. i accept..accept to suffer…i cryinf because of himbecause he never see at mewish he were know my feeling
but i acceptaccept to suffer…
maybe just the way to make me stronger again, and again..i accept to love himwhom my friend love too
my friend, my Godi am sorry to love him

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